Friday, April 29, 2011

Arise India

Hello/ Namaste to ALL!!

I request each one of you personally to kindly consider this and seek your inputs and suggestions on how we can bring about this Revolution and Make it a possibility!!



It is not just the anniversary of 26/11-2008.that has prompted me to use the word “BLACK DAY” It is deep regret, resentment, anger and frustration within me and the people I know or have been speaking to that has pushed me into doing this.

Unfortunately, as I am typing this, I could easily say that there would be more people in India watching the Cricket match between India and Sri Lanka than those watching or worrying about what happened on 26/11-2008, in Mumbai and its anniversary today.

The only really concerned people apart from a few outstanding personalities are the ones who were directly or indirectly affected by the Attacks.

And we cannot and should not blame the others for being inconsiderate, because firstly Life has to move on, and secondly since it’s not their personal loss, they are not bound by too much of an emotional connect to ponder over what happened a long time ago.

Should also point that the same people who were bereaved and are today as much hurt as they were on the day of attacks, would also have behaved in the same way as others if they had not been the Victims, family, friends or relatives.

It is almost like a natural behavior. But it is wrong and cannot be sustained if we are to ensure the safety of all including those of s who were not directly or indirectly affected by the unfortunate events.

Two recent incidents were quite prominent and posing a lot of questions:

It is for that very reason and to the great regret of having read the Sincere Admission of one of those Silent and Graceful Heroes of our times that I took this initiative to urge all the people I know in whatever capacity and invite them to be part of a REVOLUTION that is so very urgently needed in our nation at the moment.

The incident, I am referring to is the interview by the father of Maj.SANDEEP UNNIKRISHNAN, Mr.K Unnikrishnan, where he felt that his son’s sacrifice might be an individuals futile effort, his son the NSG hero who put the nation first and rose above the selfish, almost natural human tendency to save oneself and volunteered to save his subordinate and in the process sacrificed his own life in the process of rescuing the innocent lives held hostage by the terrorist in the five Star hotel in Mumbai.

And if the son rose above human Emotions and sacrificed his life for a national cause.

The Father who encouraged his only son to be able to do so, and is by many means a true Hero as well, he rejected the approached of the Chief Minister of a State and did not let his son’s honourable act to get politicized and triumphed over the trying circumstances.

Because, his Son, put the country and his countrymen, ahead of his own self or life.

The aspect that the Person who killed so many innocent People and was responsible for his own Son’s death is still out there safe and comfortable must have hurt him, the same is the case with the families of the other heroes, Mr. Karkare, Mr.Kamte, Mr. Ombale and others all of who’s families have been so very dignified and graceful in accepting the sacrifices of their Family Member who sacrificed for the nation and saved other people and they all refused any monetary or political aid from anybody. These are heroes too.

And ironically, the other incident too had to do with Mumbai and the incident had to do with India’s foremost Sporting hero who wanted to rise above regionalism and took pride in him being an Indian First, which was criticized and condemned openly by a politically motivated section which has been active along with its affiliates in bringing disharmony and disrepute in Mumbai.

If the former, was the act of External Terrorists, trying to bring chaos and destruction in Mumbai and affecting the whole nation.

The latter is the case of Internal (don’t know what to call them) with equally demeaning and selfish motives trying to bring the same kind of chaos and destruction and disharmony to Mumbai and affecting the whole nation.

The Instigators of both these incidents are identified and live completely unaffected and are still at large, and these are not just the incidents requiring our involvement, there have been naxalite attacks, and the threat of it looming large in many regions of India, the North East is as volatile as ever, and China and Pakistan have not stopped their incursions and claims over our land and our People. And there has been a stream of continuos reports of Indian Students being targeted and tacked in Australia and other parts.

The corruption and Political and Mafia highhandedness has been increasing, the production of Food grains has been declining and the common man is being made the scape goat every time all the time.

Politics is controlled by Land Mafioso’s Mining Czars and People with established Criminal involvement.

This is similar to warlords and Chieftains controlling regions in Pakistan.

And there have been so many honour killings and Rapes and assaults that have gone un noticed or unreported, and many instances where the culprits are easily let off due to their influence and clout.

If this continues we too shall be a nation Disintegrated, It doesn’t take external forces to divide a nation that has no unity or sense of belonging within its citizens; The Russian Federation disintegrated because of its internal forces and if nothing is done India too shall fall into deep crises and instability beyond repair.

The sacrifices of people and Heroes should not go for zilch and the victimization should be reduced. We should honour the death of the heroes, the past the present and the future heroes by our efforts and actions in upholding the values which prompted them to rise above themselves, otherwise we are letting down all, the Fallen Heroes, their bereaved families and our own selves and letting these external and Internal negative factions and triumph over the sacrifice of great men, this also means that the sacrilege would continue, bring further damage and more misery to all and no one is Safe!

Please consider this,

Which do you think is the best organized, the most profitable and Successful organization in the World.

Well, the answer is obvious the”TERROR SYNDICATE” or TERROR INC.

The newspaper report in the TOI today carried out the detailed information of the impact of the 26/11-2008, Mumbai Terror Attacks and said about how more than Rs.31.Crores has been spent on the lone surviving Terrorist Ajmal Kasab just to keep him Alive.

And for the Terror Siege which lasted for around 59 hours, the

And the Damages amounting to more than Rs.41 Crores plus Ajmals Cost at Rs. 31 Crores and Damages to Taj mahal Hotel and it is Rs.100 Crores.

It doesn’t include the Losses and Damages caused or Suffered in terms of Lives being lost and Families being shattered and the emotional and Psychological impact on the family, friends and relatives of the victims.

The official Death Toll is166

The Death Toll: 166 people, who died in the attacks, of whom 141 were Indian Citizens Israel 6, USA 3, Germany 3, Canada 2, UK1, Mauritius 1, Australia 2, Belgium 1, Malaysia 1, Japan 1, France 1, Singapore 1, Thailand 1 and Italy 1.

It also accounted for the Selfless Sacrifice of 12 policemen from Mumbai Police and 2 NSG Commandos, who laid down their lives in trying to protect us and Died, So that we could live.-

(Source- Times of India, Report.)

The Injured list at 304 persons.

And in the end, like net Impact, after tremendous gains, through unimaginable Damages to Lives and Property and excessive Media coverage and propaganda.

Forcing the International community to be mute spectators just like us.

And gaining ground and approval of their sponsors and attracting many, many more volunteers to be part of the Terror Syndicate.

The Death Toll of the Terrorist it says is 9 …Just Nine and one Alive and Kicking for whom the Government pf India Spends a Whopping 8.5 lakh per day to ensure his well being. What a Life!!!! With everything including the best of Doctors on call 24/7.

This is a awesome success rate and the terror Syndicate couldn’t have asked for more to sell their concept and attract hordes of Youths with the promise of a great Death and Greater Life if Captured Alive.

It also helps the Syndicate to attract huge investments and great many associates seeking better prospects and there was never any dearth of it, but with such amazing possibilities the numbers are going to get too much even for them to manage.

By investing a few thousand dollars or few Lakhs of Rupees, and training their recruits for a few months and employing 10 terrorists with guns and grenades and a few support staff they were able to achieve an enormous success rate and they have been able get more than their wildest guestimate.

Each terrorist was able to account for 16 people’s life. 1:16 success ratio

And even the investment would read very impressive in terms of money spent and gains.

Well. Since nobody can actually predict who are the terrorist and when and where they would strike it is hard to Say if it could have been thwarted, but one thing is for sure, the accountability of the Powers to be and the preparedness of the Police and Security personnel could have much better, even then the ever gracious Indians were ready to forgive and move on, with the promise of better Reactions and Precaution. But see what happened to the Men in Power who goofed up.most of them have been accommodated elsewhere and none of them had to accountable for their inactions and lapses.

And nobody is questioning that!!

But, Terrorism is not the only problem that India is facing, the problems are much more in number and much more varied both in spirit and space and sensibility.

And there are more and more things dividing us with each passing day.

The obvious threat it seems is Terrorism, but it is an external threat, and the greatest threats are the internal threats,

It can be argued both ways as to whether it is right to do so. Let us not get into that.

What is important to note, is whether we have any other viable choice and the one strong reason behind the logic of ensuring a Trial, fair trial, if you wish.

It is no trajectory of Comet Science, to conclude that Ajmal kasab is from Pakistan, and everybody knew this from day one. And even if it was a matter of doubt, with the expertise that we have, we could have established it in a few days, but why one year and what is the necessity to protect him like national treasure, when he is just a mere pawn, the like of which there are hundreds probably thousands waiting out there and some within ready to unleash their next mode of Dastardly executions to quench their thirst for Blood and Glory in the Gory.

The whole of India knows it and the whole of Pakistan knows, that he is from Pakistan and that he is a product of their well oiled and well organized Terror Mechanism.

So who are we trying to prove that he is a Terrorist and why not treat him like any other criminal or institute fast Courts with International involvement if necessary and finish the case quick and efficiently and share the reports and facts with the whole world.

Question them and ask them if they want to suffer or want to do something about it.

Only sustained collaborative efforts can heal he world of this cancer.

“REVOLUTION”, I know is really a strong word to use when discussing with Erudite Professionals and well qualified and well Settled (in conventional terms) and highly successful confident Individuals, who are silently going about doing their assigned jobs or tasks with poise, purpose and propriety. But it is for that very fact that all the good and kind hearted people I know are being urged by me and more by the nation and its Silent masses to initiate an urgent “REVOLUTION”.

The obvious thoughts under such circumstances are to think of the safety and security of our near and dear ones and to have insurance cover and other modes to ensure safety for them. But much more can be done by way of investing in the best Insurance to face these problems. The Investment should be our involvement in national Unity first and International Unity and Unified fight against these forces and becoming more aware of the situation and environment and preparing ourselves to handle the situation if we were to get caught in one.

Imagine the scenario if we and our police were better prepared, the reaction time and response could have saved many more lives and the damages reduced considerably, if the civilians could be have been trained enough to bring down the terrorist, even defenseless they had numbers on their side. Or if the security guards or the police had better training and had better weapons.. Something could have been done.

Despite what happened our policemen and other forces still have not been upgraded to combat the better equipped terrorists or in a recent incident the naxalites.

The same money that’s been spent in keeping Ajmal alive could have been utilized to set up an efficient Arms Production outfit.

This kind of Irresponsibility and inability to address key issues are the true bane of our Nation. And unfortunately the Irresponsibility doesn’t stop in the Political and Administrative level, it burns to the officials and Staff and down to each one of us.

We all tend to point out mistakes and find faults but are not willing to do something about it ourselves.

For an Average Indian, Life is all about him and his family and immediate circle and as long as there are no personal loss or damage things, and never seem to bother anybody, everything stops at the debating level.

Ironically, and sadly it takes an incident of terror proportions to bring us together and

Even such events do not bind us together for too long, largely due to the fact that we as INDIANS do not know what it is to be only INDIAN, and that’s because we were never a True Single Nation. And though there was a period of sustained effort on that front during the days of Freedom Struggle against the British. The perceived picture that we got and what was prominently projected by the Powers was that we were given Independence and because of Non-violence and Non- Co-operation and Boycotting and maintaining prolonged periods of Abstinence from Food and fasting and Political efforts.

The Loss of Millions of Lives in the Struggle and the efforts of the Unification through mutual comradeship and respect for each other was suppressed. The stories of the true patriots who all fought for a unified Nation, were ignored and over looked to pave the way for establishing a Political Legacy of an outfit. So we have come to associate non violence and Non Co-operation with our nationhood too seriously, even to the extent that we are non violent even against those who harm, suppress and kill our brethren from outside and inside, and Right, left and Center. We remain mute spectators and only raise our voice if we or our near and dear ones get affected.

And the non-cooperation has become to be associated with us not co-operating with any body in any endeavor, not even with our own people, or our neighbours or with people not forming part of our ilk and not having something in common within our confined sense of existence which is based only on Religion, Caste, Creed, Language, Region and the sub strata within these.

We have been divided by every conceivable notion and the efforts of the Politicians has been around that and no point blaming them, after all they are Politicians and they have only utilized our collective weaknesses to further their own vested interests.

This attitude has not only given rise to problems within the nation but also outside our Nation, and everybody realize that we would not stand up as one nation and question their actions and that is what prompts Pakistan and China to engage in what they do.

And our politicians are even more intelligent and they know it all too well that anything that’s got to do with religion, regionalism and Language and regressive issues will instigate immediate reaction within us and we will play into their hands.

Why are we like this, Why can’t we become INDIANS in true sense and rise above all our differences to become and INDIAN.

The celebration of 62 years of Independence is just a celebration of independence from the British Oppressors. From there we have again become dependent on the politicians who are no better than them, from Political Imperialism, to Economic Imperialism.

From English Oppression to Elitist Oppression, From National Instability to Regional Instability, from tyranny to terrorism, from nepotism to Naxalites, from Colonialism to Corruption, from Racial Discrimination to Regional Discrimination.

Why is that each of our regional or communal Festival or occasion is celebrated with much more grandeur and involvement and pride than our national Days (the Independence Day or the Republic Day)

And we take so much pride in being anything other than a Simple INDIAN.

I know that among all of us, we still have a spark that can trigger a National identity revolution and make our Nation the nation that our fore fathers dreamt, the dream of each and every Indian now living anywhere is possible largely due to the efforts and sacrifices of those who gave up their own dreams so that we can dream, they gave up their own Lives so that we can Live, They gave up their Future so we can have one. And all they wanted was to have a Unified nation in spirit and Space and in cohesion and coexistence.

And if there was any generation apart from their own with the intellectual, economic and enterprising resources to fulfill that dream of INDIA well documented in our written constitution but hardly functional in our personal constitution as citizens of this great nation. So please resolve to rise above and pay true homage to those who lost everything to give us something, let us get about reforming ourselves and form our nation and become INDIANS, primarily Human, personally Indian.

The Clout and Influence that we wield is far more powerful than the clout or influence of the Politicians or their henchmen.

The Collective power of our resolve and resourcefulness is much, much more than that of any or all the regressive powers of all terror groups put together

The Knowledge of the Indian Diaspora and the influence they possess is much more than any other nation.

The potential for all of us to make a difference is much more than any Political or regulatory body or cult or movement.

The chances too, for us to succeed in our Endeavour of forming a True INDIAN Nation and true INDIAN Identity, One nation one Identity, Each Indian for Any Indian at any time to be of any good use or cause, is higher and greater than any time ever.

Let us not let it slip away.

The Professionals amongst us from different field, Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers, Software Pors, Hard ware pros, Businessmen, Management Consultants, teachers, Students, professionals from any field of expertise, can all get together and offer assistance in terms of vital information and guidance and be of immense help to any body seeking help or professional advice or information. The Collective Intelligence and Information we and our associates and Countrymen living anywhere in the world will help us address most of the Issues.

The modern day technologies and devices and modes and the fact that we are at the forefront of it (IT) all says a lot about our capacity to do things and to get things done..

Our physical presence is not needed, just the fact that anyone of us coming to know of any problem faced by any Indian living anywhere in the world including any part of India can prompt a collective effort from most of us and in some cases all of us to initiate action. Let’s wield the most powerful weapon in the world, the human Mind, (and thanks to our Ancestors we have a resourceful one.)

Let’s use our intellect and use it to bring Justice to any Indian first and then maybe for the whole world. Let us start from Home.

“Satyameva jayathe” Truth alone triumphs is what our ancestors proclaimed and

“Justice should Prevail” and “Justice is equal to all”, irrespective of their religion, region, language, caste, creed or gender is what our forefathers believed and that is what we should ensure,and see that it becomes a reality in our Life time, as much as we can, and it is very much possible to carry this aspect as a true legacy for our next generation and they will take it even further and one day it could become more of a reality and much wider in practice.

And this is a great day to start our endeavor.

PLEDGE to become INDIANS in truest sense and consider our nation as one and us as INDIANS, and maybe channelize a small percentage of our capabilities and time in extending and taking this notion further first within our families, friends and relatives and then to many more and others through them and so on and so forth, with our involvement always in it.

I know for sure that you are all by no means trained Soldiers or Warriors and all or almost all are in relatively better position than any average Indian and have no real perceivable reason to Rebel or revolt against anything, But it is just in principle, the true fact that all of us have a very strong and urgent reason to get into the mode of being a Revolutionary.

One thing is certain now in this uncertain World, “No one is Safe and No place is Safe”

WE cannot blame the Powers to be or the Supreme Power if things fail and we become yet another Victim of the impending Terror strike, which is just around the corner.

And knowing that each one of these people I know are Winners in their own rights and are achievers, who excel in what they do and strive for excellence in whatever they do.

And having tremendous confidence in their capacities to make a difference and achieve the impossible.

And, if there are some people who can make a difference, in wholesome sense and purpose, these are the people. And if there was a time when India had the best chance to change, it is now, and if there was a time when we ever had a chance of becoming a truly Unified nation, it is now!!!

And I say this with absolute faith that we can and will make a Difference that is worthy of this great nation and the People who are potentially great in terms of capabilities to make a Difference, the Difference and a Difference the likes of which will ensure the Stability and Safety of not just us but also the multitudes of people that are waiting for a Divine intervention to make their Lives better and wish Safety for their near and dear ones.

We have to organize ourselves in the best possible way and I am sure there would be so many professionals amongst us who could suggest how we could effectively form a group PATRIOTS OF INDIA or something like that and make it function independently and perpetually.

And whenever we come across any sort of Atrocity against an Indian in any part of the world, lets start sending in a barrage of SMSes, Calls, letters, Recommendations from prominent persons and Governing authorities and NGO or watchdogs, mails, e-Mails, blogs, Tweets, face Book or Orkut messages, and request letters all asking them to“DO JUSTICE” and use all the possible modes to organize and carry on with the movement till something is done to ensure Justice to the aggrieved by the authorites and the people in it in India or Elsewhere, no Indian is alone and we are shall stand by and for each other at all times!

Lets stop getting confused over our identity, We are INDIANS!!! and will uphold INDIA above everything except Humanity!!

Let’s stop mere criticism. Let our collective criticism reach the people who need to know it and by initiating prompt action benefit the needy.

And Lets stop getting lost in our own worlds and also provide Advice and Counseling and professional or any consulting services free of charge to our brethren, Indians as and when they require in any possible stream of expertise.

The possibilities are immense lets propogate, and practice –JUSTICE FOR ALL,

Please, initiate prompt grouping and self empowerment by sending in your Suggestions.

Thanking you all, INDIANS,

An earnest Appeal by humble INDIAN,
Arugan C Arjun,

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